Better Life Plans

Litigation Support

Our Legal Plans OR CALL: (248) 633-8633

We utilize a nationwide network of attorneys and law firms to assist members with creditor lawsuits.

Adding legal protection to your debt relief program can take the fear out of debt collector threats and get you better results in the event of a lawsuit. Network attorneys will go to bat for you and work with your debt relief company to ensure a positive outcome that fits within your debt resolution goals. Depending on your legal plan, our network of attorneys can do everything from assist in drafting pleadings up to and including going to trial. Additionally, our relationship with attorneys means our members receive free or discounted legal assistance for almost any matter even if it does not relate to their debt relief program.

If you are considering a debt relief program or are currently engaged with a debt relief company, add BLP’s Debt Relief Support Plan to give you piece of mind and legal assistance if things go bad. Call today at (248) 633-8633.

Want to learn more?  Contact us!


I’m very pleased with my experience with Better Life Plans. I can’t emphasize how considerate, compassionate, and effective they were regarding my case. Rarely do you experience that sort of attentiveness, compassion and resolve when it comes to legal issues. They truly were wonderful and put my mind at ease when resolving things. I can’t thank or recommend them enough.

Dorothy B

Commercial Director

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